We can use your help

NO one acts alone, everyone stands on someone's shoulders

we are all connected

When people visit us, they often share compliments on how much we’ve achieved in so little time. And yes, what we are doing is a proof that change happens faster then you think. But the truth is: We could have never done this alone. We had so much help of so many different people from all over Europe. 

We feel a deep sense of gratitude to all of those wonderful people that contribute to make Slow Life Sweden an amazingly attractive place for humans, plants and animals.

Do you also want to help us let Slow Life Sweden flourish? This is how you can contribute:

Contribute by donating time, trees or knowledge.

Or a combination of all of these.

Read more about the different possibilities of contributing below. And feel free to send us a message with your questions and ideas.

donate your time

Join the enthusiastic team of volunteers and combine your holidays with working on the farm. The ideal way to grow and relax at the same time.

donate a tree

Help our food forest grow by donating one or more trees. We can plant the tree for you and you can even come over and plant it yourself if you like.

donate knowledge

Yes, we learned a lot. But to be honest; we are noobs too and we learn everyday. You can help us with advice so please, share your knowledge.

Be part of our family &
Help out on the farm

The best (and most enjoyable) way to contribute is by coming over for a workation. During a couple of weeks you are part of our family. We work and eat together. You help out on the farm and you stay in one of the Nature Nesting Tents or another accommodation.

From May till October we have a diverse team of 2-5 volunteers that help with the annual (vegetable) garden, with the growing foodforest, with building houses, barns and animal shelters. Most of the work will be outside in the beautiful Swedish nature! We also have two active boys who like to play, go on adventures and learn with us. We cook and eat, mainly vegetarian and as local as possible. 

A laptop on a desktop in the foodforest at Slow Life Sweden campsite. Ideal for a workation.
An owl on the gate on the farm in the foodforest at Slow Life Sweden campsite.

Help nature grow &
Donate a tree

Building a food forest is not something that’s done in a few years. It takes time, patience and perseverance. Just as in our daily lives.

The food forest and permaculture orchard will grow alongside an annual garden and our animals are part of rotational grazing, maintaining and regenerating the landscape and soil.

​You can really help us by becoming a steward of the land too. Donate a tree for the growing forest! Help regenerate the soil and grow more trees!

Send us a message for the possibilities.

Donate Plants & Shrubs

Click To Donate 50 Euros

Donate a tree

Click To Donate 75 Euros

Donate a tree + treeguild

Click To Donate 125 Euros

We are looking for you!

Everyone is welcome and we celebrate different skills. If you like to do and learn all different kind of things, that’s great. And if you like to share specific skills; for the 2025 season we are especially looking for:
  • Chefs/Cooking team You will prepare meals for the whole family including all the volunteers. You will cook for 8-10 persons with local ingredients and as much as possible from our own garden. 
  • Builders/Carpenters/Handypersons You will help with building several structures on the property. You are handy with tools and working with wood and natural materials.
  • Content Creators You will use your camera to photograph and film what is happening at Slow Life Sweden. And you will edit the footage to create engaging content to inspire others via our online channels
  • Entertainers You will take care of the children and you organize activities for children and adults.
Volunteers helping and contributing posing in front of the Slow Life Sweden and posing front of the Communal Tent.
Check our FAQ below to learn more about how we work together and how your workation would look like.
Volunteer Juline contributes by building a bridge at Slow Life Sweden.

Donate your knowledge or materials

We just started with changing our lives. We are trying. Our one super skill is that we are doing just that: starting and trying.

Therefore, if you have tips or ideas to help us grow our regenerative place, please let us know. Together we can create great things!

Donate Materials

Very often used materials that aren’t of use to you anymore can be of great value for us. So if you have building materials or tools that are lying around at your place, please bring them to us when you visit us. We use them to build new structures on the property.


Things you might wanna know about volunteering

08:30 Start of the workday
10:30  Fika-time!
13:00  Lunch
15:00  Free time
19:00  Diner

We provide for all the meals. You prepare your own breakfast so you can have your own start of the day. Lunch and diner are at set times and joined together with the whole family and all the volunteers. We alternate cooking between us and all volunteers.  

Don’t worry, you will learn quick enough. All you need is a hands-on mentality. Try out new things, learn from others by asking and watching. Tell us what you prefer: Do you want to work alone or together? Do you want to work on an own project or join existing ones? Do you want to use your current skills or learn new ones? 
Or all of these?

We have made a special camping area for all the volunteers. There you will find different glamping tents with comfy hotel beds. It can be chilly during the nights, we provide bedding, but make sure to bring enough warm clothing.
During your stay we will build out the volunteer-camping-area with additional things like a campfire place, shelter, outdoor kitchen, etc.

Connection is very important to us. In this case we mean personal connections. Therefore we try to minimize our mobile phone usage during workdays. 
And of course, we also love a good internet connection. In the communal tent there is a WiFi network with password that you can use

For our workations we work with a minimum of 3 weeks. We learned that this is the minimum you need to get to know everything and everyone. 4 weeks turned out to be the ideal length for most of the volunteers.
If you want to stay longer than 4 weeks, we will have an evaluation together during your stay to see if we all feel positive about continuing the collaboration. 

You are welcome to. Please book a camping spot and pay for your stay. Every day that you help out on the farm (see the average working day) you can join us for lunch and diner.
You can bring your own tent or camper or book a Nature Nesting Tent.

Yes, you can. We also try to combine family life with farm life.  At the same time we noticed that is quite challenging. Therefore, we ask you to book a Family Glamping Tent or bring your own camper/caravan (and pay for it) and see on which days you want to help on the farm. We can make separate agreements with discounts for families that want to help out. Please let us know this when you book your stay.

We always start our workaway adventures with an online call to get to know each other and to find out if we all see a match.

Please make sure, to check our website and the FAQ-section first and then schedule your exploration call with us. We are looking forward to meeting you!

The more, the merrier. Just give us a call. We can always use an extra hand and there’s is always some food to thank you for your help.

Thank you.

Message send.

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